Vision & Mission
The superior quality model among the country’s food industries, relying on excellence principles, specific requirements of the food industry, and considering the needs and expectations of customers.
About us
Tak Makaron manufacturing company having had more than three decades of experience and utilizing technology of the day and expert human resource and having considered rules and principles of food industry is active in the field of manufacturing various types of pasta and spaghetti. This company presents healthy and nutritious products in national and global level aiming supply of food requirements of society.
After launching the Ard-daran modern flour-making unit using soft wheat in 2003, and also achieving modern durum wheat milling technology in 2005
Wall Of Fame
Tak Makaron has once again been named the National Exporter of the Year. On Oct 21 , the Cultural Public Council designated this day as National Export Day.
Tak & You
Supporting you in the best way is our main mission in customer service department