The effects of bran on weight loss
Nowadays, the beneficial effects of dietary fibers on human health have been proven, which include the reduction of cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, blood cholesterol and cancer prevention. Also, the use of dietary fibers in weight loss diets has been given much attention. Cereal bran is a rich source of fibers. In addition to fiber sources, cereal bran contains proteins with high quality nutritional value (albumin and globulin), antioxidants and bioactive compounds such as phenolic acids, phytosterols, tocopherols, tocotrienols and folates.
Despite the benefits and nutritional value of cereals bran, their use in food products is limited due to the presence of phytic acid. Phytic acid, as an anti-nutritional compound in cereal bran, prevents the absorption of some micronutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, etc. Therefore, the consumption of cereal bran products, if they are not properly processed, contains a lot of phytic acid and can cause significant problems for the human body, such as iron deficiency anemia, osteoporosis, and reduced growth and development of the body. In Iran, according to the Iranian National Standard No. 17928, which was published in February 2014, the consumption of raw cereal bran for human consumption was declared prohibited. Bran fermentation is a suitable method to reduce the amount of phytic acid. In addition to reducing phytic acid, fermentation of cereal bran improves the quality characteristics of bakery products, such as specific volume and product texture, compared to the samples containing raw bran. Iranian Parsian Enzyme Co., as the first and only producer of fermented bran, has made this unique product available to dear producers and consumers.
Processed wheat flour
What is processed bran?

Unprocessed bran contains high amounts of phytic acid. Phytic acid is the storage configuration of phosphorus in seeds, and due to its molecular structure, it binds with divalent ions such as iron, calcium, etc., which causes anemia, osteoporosis, and so on. For the first time in the country, Arad Charta Co. has acquired the technical know-how to produce bran processed by fermentation method, and thanks to this method, the phytic acid content of bran after processing has been reduced to the standard range (less than 500 ppm). The following are the advantages of using this product:
Reducing the amount of phytic acid in bran improves the absorption of micronutrients such as iron and calcium, which reduces the risk of osteoporosis and anemia.
Reducing the microbial load of bran during processing and packaging
Improving organoleptic properties such as texture, taste and color
Wheat bran

Bran is the outer shell of wheat, which contains large amounts of phosphorus and fiber, as well as a variety of vitamins of group B and E, iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium.
B and E vitamins , iron, magnesium, zinc and calcium. Prevents common diseases nowadays. This product, as a suitable ingredient in the food basket of people, prevents the occurrence of many common diseases in the present age.
Properties of wheat bran:
Prevention of colon diseases, especially colon cancer.
Prevention of stomach cancer.
Prevention of breast cancer.
Cholesterol reduction.
Treatment of high blood pressure.
Helps control type 2 diabetes.
Helps to lose weight.
Facilitates peristalsis of the digestive tract.
Cooking all kinds of soups, stews and…
Used along with dairy products such as yogurt, buttermilk, milk, etc.
Used in the preparation of all kinds of salads and appetizers as a seasoning.
Used in preparation of breads having bran, biscuits and other confectionery products.
This product has been awarded a manufacturing license from the Food and Drug Organization of the Ministry of Health, Treatment & Medical Education of the country, and a standard logo from the Iranian Standard Organization, and is marketed in 100 and 200 gram packaging for domestic use and 5 kg packaging for use in the biscuit, bread baking and pasta, etc. industries.
Processed wheat bran
Posted in supermarket.
Wheat bran reduces blood cholesterol.
Bran is a very useful ingredient of wheat but some people have spread a false rumor that bran is not digested in the stomach and it is necessary to sift the flour and take it out.
The scientific experiments of scientists and dietitians have proven the opposite of this idea, and even recently it has been proven that the intestinal juice dissolves a large part of the cellulose and the rest is used to clean and sweep the intestines.
It is true that bran cellulose is excreted intact to some extent with the feces, but this is not the reason to jump into conclusions and say that these substances cannot be absorbed by humans and must be removed, and even some misguided people accuse these substances of causing stomach scratches and fistulous ulcers.
Here, the truth is something else and what nutritionists say is like this.
The cellulose that we eat, especially bread bran, are not digestible to a certain extent, and they leave the stomach intact, but these undigested parts have other benefits, one of which is the stimulation of peristalsis movements. These peristalsis movements are not seemingly a useful and pleasant thing, but in fact, they are very important and necessary. They stimulate the stomach and these stimulations have many benefits and strengthen the stomach. On the other hand, we see that the substances that are removed with a sieve from the flour, such as bran-gluten and wheat germ, have many benefits.
A member of the academic staff of Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences said,”Consuming three dessert spoonfuls of wheat bran powder in a glass of low-fat milk or a glass of fruit juice before breakfast insures a person against constipation for a period of one month.” Scientists have concluded that wheat bran powder is the most important and strongest mechanical fiber. Wheat bran powder has become known as “plant gold” because it is a decisive repellent for constipation and does not have the slightest side effect.
This research was conducted for the first time in Iran by a team at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, and there has not been such extensive research on the consumption of wheat bran powder abroad. This research was accepted in the 9th Congress of Nutrition, which will be held in Tabriz this September, and will be presented in article format.
This research was conducted for the first time in Iran by a team at Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, and there has not been such extensive research on the consumption of wheat bran powder abroad. This research was accepted in the 9th Congress of Nutrition, which will be held in Tabriz this September, and will be presented in article format.
“Constipation” is considered the mother of diseases, which according to physicians,acute or chronic constipation creates various complications caused by incomplete metabolism, such as type 2 diabetes, morbid obesity, high blood fat, triglycerides, high cholesterol, malignant lipoproteins,high uric acid, osteoporosis,decreased bone marrow volume,tooth decay and even excessive sliminess. By eating wheat bran powder, blood pressure, uric acid, cholesterol and triglycerides decrease and nervous discomforts are prevented.
Those who want to lose weight in a healthy way, can achieve their goal by including wheat bran powder in their diet.
Another important benefit of consuming wheat bran powder is to eliminate heavy heartburn and the bloating, gas and pressure that occurs in the intestines and stomach are eliminated, and to ensure the elimination of gas and flatulence in the stomach, red radish should be taken with wheat bran powder.
Consumption of wheat bran powder cures polyps that occur in the colon or large intestine, and more importantly, it cures gastritis and intestinal inflammation.
Continuous consumption of wheat bran powder makes a person relatively immune to constipation in the later stages of life, especially in adulthood.
There are no accurate statistics of people with chronic constipation in the country, but in the 10 years that I have been dealing with various patients, seven out of every 10 patients were suffering from chronic constipation.
This disease involves delay in defecation, and naturally, Saturday lunch should be defecated on Sunday evening or Monday morning at the latest.
In this extensive research that was conducted in collaboration with Dr. Ali Azizi, the effects of dietary fiber and its impact on body metabolism and the individual’s health were investigated.
In this research, the effect of two low-consumption (wheat bran powder) and high-consumption (fresh vegetables) dietary fibers on constipation and the physical and chemical quality of feces were investigated.
Dietary fibers are divided into mechanical and gel (spongy) types, and through a neurochemical mechanism, mechanical fibers improve the color and smell of stool, increase its volume until defecation, and make the stool texture juicy and spongy to ease pressure once it is released.

One defecation in the morning and one defecation in the evening is considered the normal state of defecation in a healthy person.
In addition to improving the aforementioned characteristics, mechanical dietary fibers can regulate excretion, empty the colon, and prevent the effects of adverse microbial interactions in the large intestine on excretory substances.
The effects of recovery and regularity in excretion lead to the improvement of the overall health of the individual, and particularly the body skin, especially the face skin, looks clean and fresh, and the person feels light and a feeling of mental balance takes over him.
Cooked corn, barberry, pomegranate seeds and persimmon fruit are other useful and strong mechanical fibers, but fruits and vegetables are weak fibers, contrary to popular belief.
The fruit gains fiber strength and efficiency when it is consumed with the peel, and the best fruit in this context is pear with peel, apple with peel, and cucumber with peel.
Another type of fibers is jelly or sponge fibers, which have 30-40 % of the same excretory effects as mechanical fibers, but their main function in the body is to reduce toxic blood metabolites (cholesterol, triglycerides, sugar, bile acids).
The most powerful of these types of fibers are dried berries, dried figs, “Qaysi” or a variety of dried apricot and other dried fruits such as Bukhara plums and dried apricot.
Based on the research, every person should be able to find out the normal time of defecation from food consumption to the time of defecation. For this, it is necessary to use “marker” substances, and the best marker substances are corn, cooked barberry, and grilled tomato peel, respectively.
Bad excrement smell is a sign that the person’s metabolism is sick, and one should be sensitive to this issue because the origin of many diseases, especially colon cancer, is this seemingly simple point.
The healthy color of stool is not too dark and not too light brown and any change in the color of the stool indicates a type of metabolic disorder. Accordingly, if the stool changes to a light yellow foamy color when defecating, it is a sign of high blood fat.
If the liver is suffering from hypofunction and latent failure, its reflection will be seen in the color of stool and its color will be dark or pale.
In our recent research, we have found that for the people whose blood uric acid increases, their stool takes on a shiny orange or metallic color.
The color in the food causes color changes in the feces, which are not persistent and by stopping the consumption of a type of food, the change in the color of the feces also stops, while the color change caused by the metabolic disorder is persistent.
These food items are mighty mechanical fibers, and if cooked corn is consumed with lunch on Saturday, a number of corn seeds should be seen in Sunday evening stool or at the latest, Monday morning stool, based on normal stool excretion.
Otherwise, the person will suffer from constipation and metabolic disorders caused by it. So, dear compatriots should pay attention to the consumption of dietary fibers at least one serving per day.
Dietary fiber is not considered a vital food element (protein, fat, carbohydrate, mineral, vitamin and water), but its effect on a person’s health is unique.
Dietary fiber is a heavenly substance that guarantees the health of a person’s digestive system and easily treats digestive disorders such as gastritis, intestinal inflammation, and irritable bowel, which basically have no medical treatment.
According to the first law of nutrition, observing food moderation is an obligation and consumption of food fiber and starch (pasta, potatoes and toasted bread) is recommended to achieve normal, healthy and complication-free nutrition.
Dietary fiber increases the volume of excrement in the large intestine and solves the problem of constipation through a neurochemical mechanism.
If dietary fiber is not consumed, usually the defecation would hardly reach 100 or 150 grams of feces every time, while with the consumption of dietary fiber (mechanical fibers), the amount of feces excretion increases up to one kilogram, and the more the large intestine is cleared of excrement, the mental and physical health of a person gets better.
By consuming healthy food and having a healthy diet, gasses such as CO2, H2 and CH4 are produced through the bacteria in the large intestine, which are usually odorless and are a sign of the health of the body and the health of a person’s eating habits.
Consumption of animal fat and protein creates radical chemicals in the large intestine by bacteria that produce foul-smelling gas.
A healthy person with a regular and good eating habit always has a correct and healthy metabolism, which is manifested by the odorless stools at the time of emptying bowels.
Fermented wheat bran: a better option than raw bran
Posted in health
Fermented wheat bran
Cereal bran is a rich source of fibers, and nowadays the beneficial effects of dietary fibers on human health have been proven, including reducing cardiovascular diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, blood cholesterol, and preventing cancer. Also, the use of dietary fibers in slimming diets has received much attention. Wheat bran is one of the raw materials that is recommended in order to provide the daily fiber needed by the body.

Wheat bran, a byproduct of wheat milling and the outermost tissue of its seed, contains the aleurone layer, which constitutes 10% of the total weight of wheat that is milled to produce flour. Fiber and bioactive compounds such as lignans, phenolic acid, phytosterols, tocopherol, tocotrienols and folates are concentrated in cereal bran. The bran used in the baking industries of our country is added to the dough in order to improve its nutritional value in a non-scientific manner and without any pre-processing, and bran consumption in this way does not have much nutritional value. Today, efforts are aimed at reducing consumer barriers in using grains with bran. Despite the benefits and nutritional value of cereal bran, their use in food products is limited due to the presence of phytic acid.
Phytic acid is the storage configuration of phosphorus in seeds, which consists of an inositol ring and six phosphate groups, which can form complexes with divalent and trivalent metal ions such as iron, calcium, and zinc, as well as proteins, and change their solubility, absorbability, and digestion ability. As a result, the compound cannot be absorbed or easily hydrolyzed by the human body and thus, will have an adverse effect on the bioavailability of minerals. Human studies have shown that the absorption of calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc is significantly lower in a diet high in phytic acid. Phytic acid is accumulated in outer layers and aleurone of wheat seed. Therefore, the consumption of products containing cereal bran, if they are not properly processed, due to the high phytic acid they contain, can cause significant problems for the human body, such as anemia caused by iron deficiency, osteoporosis, and reduced growth and development of the body.
There are many methods to reduce the amount of phytic acid, which can be listed as enzymatic methods, soaking, adding malt, fermentation, heat treatment, sprouting, bran washing, bran milling and hydrothermal process. Reducing phytic acid in whole grains is a suitable way to improve their nutritional value, and bran fermentation is a suitable method for this purpose. Fermentation with a specific starter culture, yeast or lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is a potential tool to improve palatability and processability of bran and foods containing bran flour. During the fermentation process, the amount of phosphorus reaches a level that increases the ability of the body to absorb essential micronutrients. Also, during this process, organic acids are formed and flour components are broken down and turned into more absorbable materials. In addition to that, precursors for flavor generation such as amino acids and active flavor-creating compounds such as volatile compounds are formed. The longer the duration of fermentation or processing of bread dough, the lower the amount of phytic acid in bread. Therefore, it can be said that industrial bran breads that go through a better and more complete fermentation process, have less phytic acid than traditional breads containing bran.

In addition to reducing phytic acid, cereal bran fermentation improves the quality characteristics of bakery products, such as specific volume and product texture, compared to the samples containing raw bran. Katina et al. (2001) compared breads obtained by adding unfermented bran and bran fermented by yeast and lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus brevis) and reported that adding wheat bran without fermentation to bread flour produced breads with low quality, small volume, weak texture, short shelf life and bitter taste. On the other hand, they found that fermentation of wheat bran with yeast, or yeast and lactic acid bacteria, increases the volume of the bread loaf, and the texture and shelf life of bread made from such wheat. It also improves the aroma and taste of bread and the uniformity and homogeneity of the bread crust and increases the flexibility of the bread loaf. The positive effect of bran fermentation on the quality of bread is evident in the structure changes of the bread protein network. Fermentation of bran with lactic acid bacteria and yeast has the greatest effect on starch structure.
In this case, starch granules are more swollen and gelatinization is improved. Didar et al. (2008) showed that fermentation of wheat bran with lactic acid bacteria including Lactobacillus plantarum and Lactobacillus vertry (?) for 15 hours results in a greater reduction in the amount of phytic acid than fermentation with yeast or spontaneous methods. Due to the increasing interest of people in the community to use grain with bran and cereal bran in the diet, especially in bread, and taking into account the positive effects listed for fermented wheat bran, it is possible to use lactic acid bacteria or yeast to produce fermented bran and use this product as a substitute for raw bran in the bread industry. In this case, in addition to increasing its nutritional value, the possible dangers that raw bran may cause to the body are prevented.
For home use, this product can be mixed with milk or fruit juice, or added to stew or soup, or made into a sauce using fresh lemon juice and olive oil, and served in salads or with fast food. Romanian people use the extract of fermented wheat as a starter to produce a sour-tasting liquid, which is used to prepare a type of sour soup, or they consume it as is.
In addition, this product can also be used as a cosmetic product and used in the preparation of masks for beauty and skin rejuvenation. For example, by mixing it with fresh yogurt, one can prepare a useful mask for the face skin.
Among other grains from which it is possible to prepare fermented bran, we can mention rye, corn, oats and rice.

- Didar Z., Seidin M., Mizani M., Haddad Mah. & Ghaemi A. 2018. The effect of soaking, hydrothermal and fermentation methods in reducing the amount of phytic acid of wheat bran. Research Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, vol. 5, no. 3.
- Katina, K., M. Sulmen Kallio-Marttila & K. Autio, 2001. Effects of bran fermentation on the quality and micro structure of high fiber wheat bread. 2001 AACC Annual Meeting: http://www.aaccnet. org/meetings/2001/Abstracts/a01ma104.htm.
- Poutanen K., Flander L. & Katina K. Sour dough and cereal fermentation in a nutritional perspective. Food Microbiol 2000, 26:693-99.
- Saunders, R.M.C., M.A. Connor, R.H. Edwards & G.O. Kohler, 1972. Enzymatic processing of wheat bran: Effects on nutrient availability. J. Cereal Chem., 49:436-437
- Servi S., Ozkaya H. & Colakoglu A.S. Dephytinization of wheat bran by fermentation with baker’s yeast, incubation with barley malt flour and autoclaving at different pH levels. JCereal Sci 2008, 48:471-76.
The Miracle of Bran and Its Properties

Wednesday, Feb. 28, 2007, Kargozaran newspaper, Views: 77,249
Food properties of bran – Code 50327A
Bran is considered one of the richest sources of plant fiber used in the diet. It is the indigestible outer shell of wheat, oats, rice and other cereal grains. Previously, when these seeds were ground, their bran was mostly thrown away.
After that, in the 1960s, an English doctor named Dr. Denis P. Burkitt published several scientific reports in Africa. His views indicated that bran and other types of plant fibers can prevent heart attacks, colon cavity ulcers, other intestinal disorders and cancers of the breast, part of the colon, prostate and uterus.
After he observed that African natives rarely suffer from these diseases due to the consumption of large amounts of bran-rich seeds, he expanded his theory about the nutritional and healing miracles of bran. Mentioning the many advantages and benefits of bran in a number of best-selling books and many reports in the mass media made this substance famous as a fashionable food stuff in the 1970s, and raw ground bran was added to everything ranging from bread, cereals and cookies to foods such as meatballs and roast potatoes.
Oat bran has a lot of sticky soluble plant fiber and mixes with water to make a thick gel. Some researchers have reported that such plant fibers reduce cholesterol levels and also seem to improve glucose metabolism in diabetics. So, this advantage reduces their need for insulin and other anti-diabetes drugs.
Until recently, there were reports that rice bran also reduces cholesterol levels. However, researchers are not sure if this benefit is due to the insoluble plant fiber found in the bran or the high amount of unsaturated oil found in the rice germ, which is removed from the husk during the milling process.
All types of bran as well as other foodstuff rich in vegetable fibers play a valuable role in controlling weight. In such a way that a person feels full without overeating. It is possible that this state is a justification for the reduction of some cancers caused by obesity and heart attacks among populations whose diet is full of plant fibers.
died down as researchers have learned more about its health benefits and potential risks. Meanwhile, we now know that different types of bran have different properties and roles. For example, wheat bran is not soluble. Although it absorbs a lot of water, it makes its way to the healthy intestinal tract.
When consumed in moderation, plant fiber prevents constipation. However, excessive use of this substance may cause bloating and intestinal gas.
Dr. Burkitt’s theory indicates that due to consumption of bran, the remaining time of waste materials in the intestine is reduced and thus colon cancer is prevented. But the studies related to the documented proof of this protective effect have produced various results. According to studies conducted in Australia, women who consume plenty of wheat bran are actually less likely to develop colon cancer.
In contrast, a four-year study of adults who are highly exposed to precancerous colon polyps indicates that the size and rate of growth of polyps in bran consumers is not so impressive.
If we look at the matter from a more positive point of view, we find that including wheat bran in a diet rich in plant fibers can be effective in preventing colon cavity ulcers, which is a type of intestinal disorder. During this disease, the small pockets (cavities) protruding from the wall of the colon collapse and become inflamed. Since bran helps prevent constipation, it may also be beneficial for those with hemorrhoids.

● Possible risks
When the benefits of bran were first announced, more and more people started adding a few tablespoons of raw, ground bran to their daily diet. It soon became clear to everyone that it exacerbates the inflammatory bowel disease, which causes the colon to become inflamed and small ulcers make its surface rough. Also, phytic acid in raw bran prevents the body from absorbing calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium and other important minerals.
During the baking of bread, the enzymes in the yeast destroy most of the phytic acid. The heat generated during this process also destroys most of this acid, which is found in cereals rich in bran. Thus, these processed products are more reliably milled than raw bran.
However, there have been a few reports of intestinal obstruction in those who have consumed large amounts of bran. Currently, many nutrition experts recommend a reasonable method, which is to eat wheat bread, cereals and other bran-rich products.
Eat oatmeal, muesli, granola, as a mixture of grains and crushed nuts, in the morning with milk, and other cereals consisting of bran oats, and also brown rice with the outer shell removed, but not yet white, should replace the polished white rice. Such foods are tastier and more nutritious than raw bran that tastes like sawdust.
It should be said that a slice of bran bread has 70 calories of energy. Despite common beliefs, bread never contributes to weight gain. Dr. Joen Jacobsen of Norway found in his research that people who consume less than two slices of bread a day gain five kilograms more weight than people who eat bread regularly.
Eating white bread, potatoes and bran-free rice plays a big role in increasing blood sugar and reducing insulin deficiency. It should be noted that the “fibrous material” or cellulose found in the wheat husk has 12 types of amino acids necessary for the body, which we simply separate from wheat in the wheat flour production and cleaning and sifting factories and offer them to cattle by all means, and only gulp down wheat starch and as a result, we suffer from acidity and flatulence in the stomach and intestines, increase in blood sugar, decrease in insulin, and worst of all, we suffer from constipation, which keeps other foodstuff in the intestines and causes other serious side effects.
Therefore, the supply of bran bread is one of the most important pillars of spreading the culture of healthy nutrition in the society. In addition to that, we suggest “barley bread”, “cannabis bread”, “cumin bread”, “dill bread”, “garlic bread”, “Iranian popover”, “date bread”, and “thyme bread”.
Consume a spoonful of “bran” daily for each member of the family. If you succeed in implementing these tips, it won’t be long before you, your children, and your spouse will be free of hair loss. The complexion of family members improves, their faces become clearer and brighter, and they no longer have small or large pimples. You see that none of your family members suffer from constipation, your children’s diarrhea will decrease, and your little daughter’s frequent nosebleeds will improve.
Grandmothers will be relieved from the torment of fat, cholesterol and blood sugar and find peace. Fathers will no longer see any traces of blood pressure and most importantly, you will see that the blemishes on your cheeks have been removed, your eyebrows have become thicker and your face no longer oozes grease, your nails are no longer dark, brittle and bent.
Gallstones will not appear in your body, and the longitudinal growth of your child will increase significantly, and you will not have diabetes, nervous weakness, lack of sleep, and hypofunction of the endocrine glands. Be informed that this miraculous “bran” contains vital substances that make up 25% of the weight of wheat and 90% of bran contains nutrients. One hundred grams of bran contains the following ingredients:

▪ Water 11.5%,
▪ protein 16%,
▪ Fat 4%,
▪ Carbohydrates 60%,
▪ Calcium 119 mg,
▪ Phosphorus 1276 mg,
▪ Iron 14 mg,
▪ Sodium 9 mg,
▪ Potassium 1121 mg,
▪ Vitamin B1 0.72 mg,
▪ Niacin 21 mg,
▪ Every 100 grams of bran has 213 calories of energy.
● Benefits
▪ Helps prevent constipation.
▪ Wheat and barley bran is effective in reducing cholesterol levels.
▪ As a result of consuming this food, people feel full, which leads to weight loss.
● Losses
▪ Excessive use of bran reduces the absorption of calcium, iron and zinc.
▪ It is possible to cause intestinal inflammation, gas and stomach bloating.
● Scientific recommendations on the consumption of bran
▪ If your constipation is chronic, the amount of “bran” for the first month will be three tablespoonfuls daily.
▪ Usually, the less “bran” is ground, the better it is, i.e., coarser bran is more effective .
▪ After consuming “bran”, drink enough fluids so that “bran” can perform its task in a slippery and dynamic environment.
▪ High consumption of “bran” causes diarrhea.
▪ Consuming bran biscuits is far better than bran-free biscuits, provided that fruit juice or other liquids are consumed along with it.
▪ Consumption of pure olive oil is useful and effective in increasing the effect of bran.
● Therapeutic properties of wheat bran
▪ Drink its brewed juice, which is soft and cooling, beneficial for cough and cold and reduces fever.
▪ If you drink its brewed juice with honey, it is slightly laxative and relieves constipation caused by liver failure and removes gallstones.
▪ Brew it with tea and drink it. It is effective for increasing the secretion of sweat and in cases of bloody urine.
▪ If you heat it up and pour it into a cloth and put it on the painful body part due to rheumatism, joint pain, and side pain and keep heating and renewing it, it relieves the pain.
▪ If you fill a pillow with bran and place it under the child’s head, it helps to treat smallpox.
▪ Boil 50 grams of it in one liter of water until the water halves. Then administer an enema with that water. It relieves severe diarrhea and stomach cramps.
Amir Divani